Sunday, March 27, 2011

"The Revolution of Spring Semester 2011 at The American University in Cairo" - Promo

Sara El Kady
Monday, 28 March 2011

Promo by sara-radio

30 seconds

MUSIC: (“Ezzay” by Mohamed Mounir, minutes: 00:00-00:19 – FADE IN, then under)

ANNC 1: Along with the changes that have taken place after the January 25th revolution, the American university in Cairo also witnessed change.

LOZY: Uh, the effects of the revolution on this semester… First of all it is not a revolution.

WASZKOWSKI: It’s an essential skill to be able to adapt to change

SELIM: You are affecting more than one person; you’re not only affecting yourself -FADE OUT

MUSIC: (“Ezzay” by Mohamed Mounir, minutes: 00:19-00:30– FADE OUT)

ANNC 1: Attend the listening session at AUC’s New Cairo campus on Sunday May 22nd and Wednesday May 25th at 10 am, each day in the BECC building, room 1060

                                                                        - end -


Mahmoud El Lozy
Theater Professor

Denise Waszkowski
Rhetoric and Composition Instructor

Mohamed Selim
Mass Communication Professor

Mohamed Selim
Mahmoud El Lozy

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